2024.03.17 (일)

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기상청 제공


COMPUTEX TAIPEI Dazzles at UFI Congress

  [FairNews] The 2014 UFI Congress is being held in Bogota, Colombia from October 29th to November 1st. In the spotlight of this year’s congress is COMPUTEX TAIPEI, as it receives the award for winning the coveted UFI Marketing Award. UFI President, Renaud Hamaide, and UFI Marketing Committee Chair, Christian Glasmacher, presented the award to TAITRA Executive Vice President Walter Yeh. VIP guests at the ceremony also included Representative Ji-zen Tang and members of the Economic Division, Taipei Commercial Office in Bogota, Colombia. 

Also known as the Oscars of the MICE industry, the UFI Marketing Award draws the best organizers in MICE from all over the world as they vie for the prestigious award. This year’s award focuses on Mobile Marketing, and the judging panel convened September 5th in Verona, Italy. The organizing team behind TAITRA’S successful COMPUTEX beat out the competition from many prestigious international shows with the show’s exclusive app and its visitor-friendly features?such as in-hall positioning and navigation and NFC-based visitor data collection?as well as other customized services like free in-venue Wi-Fi, visitors’ badges embedded with RFID chips for complimentary and unlimited Taipei metro access, and buyers’ procurement meeting pre-registration, to take home the UFI Marking Award. This award is the highest honor in Taiwan’s 41 years in the MICE industry. 

UFI has also announced during this year’s Congress that TAITRA Executive Vice President Walter Yeh has been elected as one of UFI’s directors and presides over the Asia-Pacific region alongside the PRC, Japan, Korea, and India. UFI directors serve 3-year terms, during which they cultivate international MICE. Walter Yeh joined the Board in 2014 and will continue to expand Taiwan’s MICE industry overseas. 



