2024.03.19 (화)

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기상청 제공

Webzilla Announces Its iFX EXPO Participation

 [FAIRNEWS]iFX EXPO(http://www.ifxexpo.com/cyprus2014/), the world's largest financial B2B convention, will take place at the Grand Resort Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus over the course of 3 days on the 27th, 28th and 29th of May, 2014. The event brings together more than 1,500 senior executive attendees, over 500 FX and Binary brokers and no less than 70 exhibitors from around the world. Webzilla will showcase its FX-targeted solutions strengthened by specialized features, including dedicated servers, in-house VPS, 99.99% uptime, fully redundant datacenters, DDoS and firewall protection, as well as MT4/5(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetaTrader_4)specialized hosting. 

Dedicated hosting, the flagship of hosting solutions, is one of Webzilla's main services. Ideal for data-intensive operations, the managed and unmanaged dedicated servers fit FX traders and brokers alike. Offering the highest processing power, the service provides high level of security and is fully customizable. 

The company will also bring to the attention of the participants, the importance of server-side security. Showcasing its DDoS protection, matching the scale and sophistication of the posing treats, along with a firewall enhances the company's position when it comes to combating security issues. 

The FX industry, being largely dependent on constant data stream availability, is a perfect candidate for the low latency in-house VPS provided by Webzilla. The company's virtual private servers, based on the Hyper-V virtualization technology, are less expensive than dedicated servers but completely outmuscle the standard shared hosting. 

Low latency is nothing without data availability. Recognizing that, Webzilla guarantees 99.99% uptime and together with fully redundant tier IV datacenters, the company aims to satisfy the needs of traders for 24/7 uninterrupted stream of information necessary for the industry. 

“We are very excited to be part of the iFX EXPO for the third time now. The last two events were a major success and we can expect even more people to attend this year,” said Konstantin Bezruchenko, CTO of Webzilla. “Webzilla has hosting solutions that are perfectly suited for the FX industry. We provide all the necessary tools along with MT4/5 specialized hosting, the most widely used trading platform, allowing brokers to focus on what they are best at while we handle the rest.”


